Author: Linda Schmid

Tube Building: Reed’s Metals Lays It Out For You

Tubing has long been used to build carports, but interestingly, people are finding more uses for it. Tubing is rated Schedule 2, so it can be used for residential building, and recently Reed’s Metals has seen that there is interest in using tubing for small residential buildings. Why, you may ask, but there are many benefits to building with tubing.

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Tiny Homes…A Big Idea

The demand for tiny homes is exploding, with the industry expected to reach $3 billion by 2025. Here’s why: Decades of under building have left the country with too few homes, especially as millennials enter their peak home buying years and drive demand higher. Match this with the trends of the wage gap of housing now costing 6-8 times the average wage and you have yourself a recipe for the housing crisis. But that’s changing.

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Fastening Cladding

Builders work with cladding all the time; most every building features some type of cladding. When you work with something that frequently, you tend to work out the kinks and most builders are happy with the cladding they use…most of the time, at least. However, in trying to solve a challenge, builders can sometimes get caught up in a routine that does not solve the root problem. 

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Zoning and Codes for Garages

You prepare and follow detailed plans when building or modifying a garage for a customer. Homeowners should do the same before finalizing a custom-built or standard garage addition or upgrade to their house. Zoning laws, code requirements and permits are on the books for your customers to follow. Attached or detached garage, you should familiarize yourself with building codes for that municipality before clients decide on size, design, and use. You prepare and follow detailed plans when building or modifying a garage for a customer. Homeowners should do the same before finalizing a custom-built or standard garage addition or upgrade to their house. Zoning laws, code requirements and permits are on the books for your customers to follow. Attached or detached garage, you should familiarize yourself with building codes for that municipality before clients decide on size, design, and use. 

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