By Randy Swiegert
Smart home technology is an industry that continues to grow in popularity. More importantly, this industry is growing in functionality. Smart garage door openers are becoming more and more popular as technology and smart home devices continue to get better.
In recent years, technology has been developed that allows homeowners to operate their garage door through an easy-to-use application on their smartphone. These latest openers provide multiple features for ease of use and security functionality. However, there are those who question if this new style garage door opener is worth the extra cost and possible risks.
Here are a few talking points to discuss with your clients about upgrading their old garage door opener with a Wi-Fi-enabled one.

Ability to Close from Afar
Leaving a garage door open is one of the easier ways to make a home less secure. A Wi-Fi-enabled garage door opener will give homeowners peace of mind by allowing them to see if the door is open from anywhere and allow them to close it with a tap of the screen on their smartphone.
Many people leave their garage door open while working in the yard or when they are at home. This allows potential thieves to easily swipe anything out of the garage before owners even realize it. Smart garage door openers will send alerts on a smartphone application alerting the homeowner if the garage door has been open for a preset length of time. Homeowners can change the time within the settings of the application. The ability to receive these alerts will help relieve their worry about leaving their garage door open.
Keep Track of Who
Enters and Leaves
If you have a client who wants to make sure their kids made it home from school or swear they closed the garage door when they left for work but can’t remember, smart garage door openers will let them know. These openers will give a complete log of every time the garage door is opened or closed. Some garage door openers even come with built-in two-way audio so they can speak with visitors through the app.
Keep Deliveries Secure
Approximately 1.7 million packages are stolen each day in the United States. Installing a smart garage door opener allows homeowners to keep their packages secure. Amazon Key In-Garage Delivery works with smart garage door openers to keep packages safe. Speak with your clients to see if package theft is an important factor for them in choosing a garage door opener. If so, talk to them about installing a Wi-Fi-enabled garage door opener, such as those from LiftMaster, that they can open remotely for the Amazon delivery person. Explain to them how the operation works. The garage door will open and when the delivery is complete the garage door closes.
Some garage door openers come with an additional security camera that can be installed and view the inside of the garage directly from the application, which adds extra security and safety to the home.

Engineered wood products are deemed ‘environmentally sound’ when sourced from sustainably managed forests.
Courtesy of LP Building Solutions.
Never Replace a Remote
Installing a smart garage motor allows homeowners to always know where their remote opener is is located because it is directly on their phone. Most people don’t go anywhere nowadays without their phone, so this is a convenient addition to the other features these devices provide. It also helps them save money because replacing a remote can cost upwards of $50 for some brands. By explaining this unique application for Wi-Fi garage door openers, you can gain trust with your clients. They will see that you aren’t just out to make a dollar but are there to help them get the best security device for their home. This will likely lead to return business or referrals.
Quality of Build
Smart garage door openers feature the latest technology to provide security to the home. They are also built with high standards so homeowners can be sure a smart garage door motor has the power, durability and longevity needed to serve their home. Many of these motors come with steel-reinforced belt drives and heavy-duty components like gears and drive trains.
If security and ease of use are important to your clients when deciding on a new garage door opener, you need to explain the quality of smart garage door motors. These devices are convenient, easy to install and set up, and they are durable enough to last for years. The added security smart garage door openers provide is unparalleled to traditional openers, so speak to your clients during the sale process so they can better understand these machines. GSCB
Randy Swigert is the owner of Tri City Garage Doors
[] in Fort Collins, Colorado. Tri City Garage Doors has been bringing top-of-the-line garage door service and repair needs to the Ft. Collins area for more than 20 years.