Even in the Digital Age, Traditional Marketing Still Has Tremendous Impact

We live in an age dominated by digital media and I love it!  With this said it can be easy to forget the impact that traditional marketing methods can still have. One such method we should not overlook in the rush to go digital is billboard and roadside marketing. 

This tried-and-true strategy holds a unique place in the advertising world. I think this can be especially true the garage, shed, and carport industry. While online marketing certainly has its advantages, there’s something about the tangible presence of a well-placed billboard that resonates in a way that digital ads often can’t match. There is also a real advantage to doing what others may not be doing.

The Power of Presence

Let’s start with the basics. A billboard’s power lies in its sheer visibility. While digital ads can be scrolled past or blocked, a billboard maintains a physical presence that occupies space in the real world. When strategically placed along busy highways or near key intersections, it becomes an unavoidable part of the landscape. Potential customers, whether commuting to work or heading out on a road trip are exposed repeatedly to your message day in and day out.

In the garage, shed, and carport industry, where the decision to purchase is often influenced by practicality and necessity, the constant reminder of your brand can be incredibly effective. Potential customers simply do not need a new shed or carport every day, but when they do, the name they’ve seen on their daily commute for months will keep you top of mind! Now consider the force multiplier effect of combining this with social media. With, not instead of.  The compounding effect of social media with the physical billboard can be a real one-two marketing punch.

Emotional and Practical Appeal

There’s also an emotional and practical appeal to billboards. A well-crafted billboard can evoke a sense of trust and reliability. It’s a physical manifestation of your business. It suggests permanence and stability. This is particularly important in this industry where customers are looking for durable, long-lasting structures.

Moreover, billboards are inherently local. They target the community in which they are placed, making them ideal for businesses like yours that often serve a specific geographic area. A local billboard campaign can establish your business as a key player in the community, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust among potential customers.

Creativity Unleashed

One of the most exciting aspects of billboard marketing is the creative freedom it offers. While digital ads are often constrained by platform guidelines and limited screen space, billboards are a blank canvas. You have the opportunity to create bold, eye-catching designs that grab attention and make a lasting impression.

Consider using striking visuals that highlight the quality and craftsmanship of your products. Showcase a beautifully designed garage, shed, or carport against a stunning backdrop. Use clever, memorable slogans that encapsulate the benefits of choosing your company. The key is to create a visual and verbal hook that sticks with people long after they’ve passed your billboard.

Cost-Effective and Measurable

Contrary to popular belief, billboard advertising can be quite cost-effective, especially when you consider its potential reach and impact. A single billboard can provide continuous exposure for weeks or even months. This long-term visibility makes it an excellent investment for businesses looking to maximize their marketing dollars.

Selecting a site for billboard(s) is the time to think value and not simply price. Less traveled roads will tend to cost less but, remember, we get what we pay for. Work with your billboard company to get the right cost versus daily views that will be the most beneficial to you.

Integrating with Digital

While billboards offer significant standalone benefits, they can also be integrated with your digital marketing efforts for even greater impact. A coordinated campaign that combines billboards with social media, email marketing, and your website can create a cohesive brand experience that reaches customers across multiple touchpoints.

For example, you could use a billboard to promote a special offer and include a unique URL or QR code that directs people to a dedicated landing page on your website. This not only drives traffic to your site but also allows you to track the success of your billboard campaign more accurately. Additionally, sharing images of your billboards on social media can extend their reach and create a buzz around your brand.

The Personal Touch

In an industry where personal service and customer satisfaction are paramount, billboards add a personal touch to your marketing efforts. They signal that you’re part of the community and invested in serving local needs. They tell a story of reliability, commitment, and trustworthiness…qualities that are essential when customers are choosing a provider for their garages, sheds, and carports.

Real-World Examples

Let’s look at a few real-world examples to see how effective billboards can be in our industry. Imagine a billboard located on a busy highway leading out of town, where commuters see it daily. The billboard features a stunning image of a custom-built garage with the tagline, “Your Dream Garage Is Just a Call Away.” Alongside this, it has your company logo, phone number, and website.

Another example could be a billboard near a large suburban area, showcasing a spacious and stylish carport with the message, “Protect Your Vehicle with Style.” The visual appeal, combined with the practical benefit highlighted in the tagline, creates a compelling advertisement that speaks directly to the needs of potential customers.

As mentioned earlier…develop a force multiplier effect by combining a social media campaign around your billboard(s). This will foster the can’t miss “visibility = opportunities” environment you want to really grow your brand and your sales.

Overcoming Common Objections

Of course, there are common objections to billboard advertising that need to be addressed. Some might argue that billboards are a thing of the past, a relic in a world moving towards digital. However, the reality is that billboards have adapted and evolved. Digital billboards, for instance, offer dynamic content that can change throughout the day, providing fresh and relevant messages to passersby.

Some may feel that tracking the ROI of billboards is more challenging than digital ads. While this can be true to some extent, the aforementioned advancements in tracking technology have significantly bridged this gap. Furthermore, the consistent and repeated exposure that billboards offer can lead to brand recognition and recall that digital ads alone may not achieve as effectively.

Yard Signs

I absolutely love yard signs. In this industry, I’m a huge believer that yard signs are still an effective avenue at an easy-on-the-budget price point. People still will read yard signs. Disagree? Well, we are in political campaign season, so tell me they don’t work. These folks use yard signs for a reason…they work. It’s such a low-cost way to bring attention to your recently built garage or carport…or to the newly delivered mini-barn. It’s simply one more tool in your marketing toolbox to work side-by-side with digital and billboards.

Conclusion: Old School Plays Well

In conclusion, while the world of marketing continues to evolve rapidly with new technologies and platforms, there’s still a valuable place for traditional methods like billboard advertising and yard signs. In the garage, shed, and carport industry, where tangible products and local presence matter, the impact of a well-placed, creatively designed billboard can be profound. Combine it with digital and stick that yard sign up. GSCB

Randy Chaffee brings four-plus decades of experience to the post-frame and metal roofing industries. A board member for the Buckeye Frame Builders Association and the National Frame Builders Association, his podcast is available at facebook.com/BuildingWins. No web access? Call (814) 906-0001 at 1 p.m. Eastern on Mondays to listen.