By GSCB Staff

Bay Supply has launched its new B2B eCommerce platform as the first B2B vertical marketplace to serve the fastening industry.

Bay Supply is an online marketing division of Bay Fastening Systems and a key part of the Bay Marketing Network serving the global industrial supply marketplace.

One of the new platform’s highlights is an RFQ workflow that auto-populates part specifications to streamline the submission process. Buyers can quickly create RFQs and specify category or brand-specific requirements. The quote requests are automatically syndicated to the relevant suppliers that meet their procurement requirements with a single click.

Although access is free to all users, Bay charges a small fee to sellers for all successful sales transactions on the platform. Bay uses the majority of collected success fees to fund software enhancements for users, to cover integration costs with third-party services and to expand digital marketing exposure for the platform and its participants. GSCB