Shield Wall Media and METALCON partnered to generate data about the market segments we serve. Through the survey we learned what builders and manufacturers experienced in 2022 and what they anticipate for 2023.
That 49% of the Garage, Shed & Carport Builder subscribers are involved with sheds and portable buildings and 56% are involved with metal buildings makes perfect sense. Only 2% of subscribers list modular, sheds and carports as their primary business, with 12% listing that as metal buildings. The 2% is similar to all respondents, but the 12% is significantly lower.
This indicates that garages, sheds, carports and metal buildings are not the primary business or revenue source for subscribers. Stick-built is significantly higher among subscribers than all respondents.
We will follow up with a additional survey(s) asking how long subscribers have been building sheds and what market niche started their business.